This young aspiring knight embarks on a quest with his dear friend to fulfill a lifelong dream. (Takes effect even when Cagliostro is a sub ally. , but with a 1-turn duration. Having removed herself from incessant battles, the enjoyment she shares with her allies is as clear as the stream flowing past her feet. the seraphic harp and the cosmos sword. wiki Strategy page. Support skills that activate when a sub ally character becomes a main ally take effect when the character switches in to fight in battle. Worth noting that your PSA is about ally ATK-boosting support skills in particular. Release Date. Empowered by a chosen pendulum. The following conditions will activate this support skill: When a main ally is knocked out due to damage, which causes Haaselia to switch in; Player-controlled effects that knock out a main ally, which causes Haaselia to switch in (e. 2022-04-19. Climax applies the following effects: Gain various buffs. ) Extended Mastery Support Skill : EMP: Chance to gain. effect: Guaranteed triple attacks and 30% Bonus Wind DMG effect. 2016-11-30. . 1. ) Extended Mastery Support Skill : EMP: Boost to charge bar. Use your best sub-aura summons and 1-2 instant charge summons for the last few %, since having 1 or 2 skills up probably won't outweigh your full. Effect. Hello! I made a page compiling Sub Ally Support skills because the auto-generated category page Category:Sub Ally Support Skills was not informative enough and does not allow people to read the support skills at all. Backup Fire Bonus DMG will be dealt upon attacks (Can't be removed) 長谷川明子. Double Strike is not removed if caster is temporarily on standby due to Large-Form characters (e. (Takes effect even when Tikoh is a sub ally. Remove 1 debuff from a Fire ally when that ally takes. ) (Takes effect even when Aglovale is a sub ally. Joining Basics. Gender is a character attribute used for game mechanics. After Joel switches with a sub ally, all allies gain Refresh HP is restored on every turn. Even still, the island's children bear their suffering with valor, and their courage reminds him of a happy moment in his childhood. He has a sub-ally passive that works for parties of all elements, healing 3% of their max HP per turn. Mighty Mouse ATK is boosted / Triple attack rate is boosted / Maximum amount of DMG that can be dealt per hit is boosted / Chance to dodge DMG and debuffs / DEF is lowered (Can't be removed)Strength: 80% Duration: 2 turns and No Touching My Ladies Receive one-ally attacks in place of female allies Duration: 2 turns. 66. 2022-05-29. (20% boost to C. Some characters have support skills that are active even when they are set as a sub ally, also known as the backline or back row. gbf-wiki (Japanese wiki) Gamewith Kamigame: Lady Luck smiles upon this gifted gambler who challenges the odds every day of his life. She spends her days honing and tempering her combat skills, searching for a worthy. These skills give stat bonuses to certain types of characters, or provide other bonuses based on the skill. If the skill says "Takes effect even when (character) is a sub ally" then it works both as a main. When Sub Ally: 20% boost to Fire allies' healing specs Healing and healing cap. ,Tighten your grip around the gunstock and face your enemy head-on. (Boost to healing specs takes effect even when Yggdrasil is a sub ally. A. g. (Japanese wiki) Gamewith Kamigame. A witch has a premonition of a terrible tragedy. 24. . Characters with support skills that grant guaranteed multiattacks may have very high values. Granblue grid and team building. wiki are not necessarily from Gamewith and are usually from wiki contributors. gbf-wiki (Japanese wiki) Gamewith Kamigame: This vigilant woman follows in her parents' footsteps, ready to defend her home at a moment's notice. and DEF Up DEF is boosted. Journal Entry. Once his fated chain is filled, Siete will cast Fated Squall Counter on pressing any skill which nullifies the used skill and inflicts 30k wind. ) Water allies 2% ~ 10% - Indefinite Takes effect even when Macula Marius is a sub ally. Caim's The Hanged Man Reversed When Sub Ally: When all equipped weapons are different, 20% boost to Earth allies' ATK Multiplier: Perpetuity, 50% boost to DEF, and. Attacks hit 5 times to random allies. Release Date. . The Empress Upright: Lvl 1Pages in category "Earth Characters" The following 146 pages are in this category, out of 146 total. 2018-03-16. When an ally's HP is below 50% at end of turn: Activate Magnanimous Heart 150%. Beyond the fog of the unknown, surely a heartening future awaits. gbf. All PP stacks are lost when switching to sub ally position When revived, PP stacks resets to 1. (Takes effect even when Charlotta is a sub ally. Remove 1 buff. But one day, all his fragile mind had ever known was tossed into a forgotten abyss. When Sub Ally: Earth allies gain Skill DMG Cap Boosted (Stackable / Old / Can’t be removed) (6% (30% Max)) upon casting a skill (Max: 5). More Fandoms. Innocent Love: 1* Only one is. Pages in category "Sub Ally Support Skills" The following 79 pages are in this category, out of 79 total. (When Turned Up Gains bonus effects upon using certain skills is consumed: All allies also gain Shield (800) Next ATK received will be ineffective for a fixed amount Strength: 800 Duration: Indefinite after switch. When Sub Ally: Light damage to a foe upon Light chain burst activation. (Japanese wiki) Gamewith Kamigame. Rashomon's daughter who is in charge with keeping the research team's health in check, she is also in charge of cooking and also does the team's accounting. When Illnott is a main ally at battle start: 40% boost to Earth allies' charge bars. wiki page: He rules over the impoverished as their king while hiding his bloodstained past. ) Bloomin' Brawn : Lvl 1: Boost to Dark allies' ATK Multiplier: Normal, DEF, and DMG cap based on their Bulk Dark allies' ATK, DEF, and DMG cap are boosted based on Bulk lvl (Max: 5 / Can't be removed) Multiplier: Normal Duration: Indefinite lvl. Remove 1 buff. For other Elements I assume The Devil, The Tower, Judgement and Sandalphon will be popular sub-aura slots choices. damage cap when Intensive Care Can't normal attack / Restores light allies' HP and removes 1 debuff at end of turn (Can't be removed) mode is in effect. (Takes effect even when Macula Marius is a sub ally. Gender is a character attribute used for game mechanics. Other Sites. Tier list remarks and bullet points on gbf. gbf-wiki. 3 Ally-Specific Support Skills; 4 References; About. Extended Mastery Support Skill :. (Takes effect even when Michael is a sub ally. gbf-wiki (Japanese wiki) Gamewith: Kamigame: Red as the flames of passion, this blade was tempered with memories of ancient sin. (Japanese wiki) Gamewith Kamigame. This includes effects that cause a "fake" knock out (e. Dark damage to a foe. Revived ally is Sentenced Allies sentenced by Judgement are knocked out after a set number of turns Duration: 2 turns for 2 turns. Death Ineluctable prevents a knocked-out ally from being revived. When switching with an ally: Switched ally gains Enhancing Relocation While in effect: Buffs can't be removed / Critical hit rate is boosted / Keen effect / Normal attack DMG is amplified / Bonus DMG will be dealt upon attacks / Switches out with MC when effect ends (Can't be removed) Duration: 5 turns. When Sub Ally: Refresh 3% of all allies' HP at the end of a turn (Healing cap: 150. Lyria will not gain Trance even if she is a main ally. ) Extended Mastery. Voidlight Erasure OD; 7-hit, large Wind damage to random allies. Apocalyptic Pain: Massive Dark damage to a foe. 2: Sub Summons. Monika (Valentine) In addition, Yggdrasil, Threo, and Okto will be omitted due to their most recent uncap updates. Support Skills Does not work from the backline unless explicitly stated. 2022-02-14. About. When a Full Elixiror Revival Potionis used. : Style: Specialty This character gains 20% more ATK from weapons of this type in your grid. A. Substitute is a buff that causes a character to receive one-ally attacks in the place of an ally. Voice Actors. )) is the Swimsuit Variant of Ui and is one of the students studying in Trinity General School who wields a Sniper Rifle. ) Extended Mastery Support Skill : EMP: Gain ATK Up (Stackable / Max: 30%). (Takes effect even when Florence is a sub ally. At level 95: Also supplement Earth allies' damage (Damage cap: 20,000). Stacks with Michael's Fotia Arche 20% boost to Fire's, Hellfire's, Inferno's, and Ironflame's weapon skills. Category:Sub Ally Support Skills For a more detailed page on support skills that work from the backline, see Sub Ally Support Skills . For the sake of inspiring a dear friend to fight, this lover-of-gems dons a dazzling dress stitched by her own hands. Boost to Earth allies' healing specs based on their number of Wasteland Crest Earth magic is amplified (Max: 5 / Can't be removed). Recruit Condition. (Takes effect even when Sarunan is a sub ally. Outfit Name. gbf-wiki (Japanese wiki) Gamewith Kamigame: One of the Twelve Divine Generals, this particular girl relies on her trusty rat-ear headband to overcome mental hurdles that would otherwise render her paralyzed. damage and C. Fully uncap The Star. ) (Takes effect even when Aglovale is a sub ally. A kindness was afforded to him long ago, one he aims to repay by becoming a clandestine shadow capable of protecting the small light in his life. wiki page. (Boost to damage specs based on number of chains. Eugen (Grand)Note that although multiple effects can co-exist on an ally or foe, it does not necessarily mean that those effects stack. Volley Assist. Seruel. Certain Skills: Skills that can target a sub ally in standard battles cannot be used to target an ally in a reserve party. Tower of Babyl is a recurring limited-time event where your parties battle powerful bosses on each floor to climb the tower. Breeze During the Night in the Desert. Use of a skill. (Takes effect even when Seruel is a sub ally. 2016-12-31. On Dodge: additional Dispel, Delay Effect Bandit Tycoon support: amplify damage done to foes with Bounty Hunter 9 or higher Skill 1: grants weakness element chaser. 3★ This is the aura for the 3★ version of this summon. Multiple Wilnas sub auras do not stack. A crownless protector has returned home. Starting as a sub-ally is not a requirement for activating the skill and can be activated even if Caim was moved into sub-ally. This spirit cannot be seen by ordinary people, but Sarunan sees it everywhere he goes. <When sub ally> 20% boost to Earth allies' ATK (Perpetuity), 50% boost to DEF, and 10% boost to DMG Cap when all equipped weapons are different from each other. wiki page: The fallen angel of cunning plays fast and loose with his tongue, condemning the world at one moment, extolling the sanctity of life the next. gbf-wiki. gbf-wiki (Japanese wiki) Gamewith Kamigame: This maiden swore to protect all forms of nature's beauty—exacting icy retribution on those who would tarnish its splendor. It’s full diamond special Qual Faenge deals a ton of damage as well as extending skill cooldowns and cutting buff durations of anyone damaged by this. ,A character's lore, appearance, and other factors do not affect this attribute. Though her attempts may be rather clumsy, she nevertheless devotes herself daily to her theatrical training. This masterpiece is dyed a fiery vermillion, with a spray of sparks in gold thread and gold leaf, and embroidered with soaring plovers. (Japanese wiki) Gamewith Kamigame. Chance to revive an ally. gbf-wiki. ), Substitute Gain Substitute Receives foe attack in place of an ally (Excludes all-foe all-ally attacks) Duration: 1 turn . Remove 1 buff from all foes and inflict Poisoned (5000) HP is lowered on every. Other Sites. 1-turn cut to Aglovale's skill cooldowns. Support Skills Does not work from the backline unless explicitly stated. bypassing takes effect even when Belial is a sub ally. (Can't recast. Boost to charge bar if HP is full. When sub ally: All Wind allies gain a random buff upon Wind chain burst. Healing cap is based on Joel's Rescue Attack specs and healing specs are boosted based on Rescue lvl (Max: 5 / Can't be removed) lvl at time of switch. Grimnir gains DA Up Double attack rate is boosted Duration: 2. Gender is a character attribute used for game mechanics. These support skills do not. At level 90: +20% boost to double attack rate per turn passed (Max: 100% at 5 turns). Sub Ally Support Skills. (Japanese wiki) Gamewith Kamigame. Other Sites. Release Date. Cannot be reactivated. Playful Pranks Only! Lvl 1: 50% boost to Wind allies' DEF. Substitute (All-Ally) , however, redirects both one-ally and all-ally attacks. Boost to Earth allies' healing specs based on their number of Wasteland Crest Earth magic is amplified (Max: 5 / Can't be removed). One of the Twelve Divine Generals, she guards the East. wiki page: The fallen angel of cunning plays fast and loose with his tongue, condemning the world at one moment, extolling the sanctity of life the next. Release Date. and 20% ATK Up ATK is boosted Strength: 20% Duration: 2 turns. ) Extended Mastery Support Skill : EMP: Boost to C. His sub-ally passive gives your Earth charas 6% Skill DMG Cap Up (Stackable) Maximum amount of skill DMG that can be dealt per hit is boosted (Stackable) Strength: 6% per skill they cast. When Sub Ally: A random gadget activates every 5 turns. Switch positions with a sub ally for 5 turns. Lord's Strike: Activates the following skills based on number of Aurora Crest stacks: Stacks. Switch out with a sub ally. The contract she forged back then saved her from her loneliness and allowed her to meet the friends she has today. Dodge-and-Counter Dodge and counter one-ally attacks Counter attacks grant 5% charge bar per hit. In addition to today's character discussion, we'll also be discussing possible team combinations and lineups for the upcoming Unite and. Voice Actor JP. 3T 3-turn cooldown at the start of battle. (Boost to skill damage specs takes effect even when Tiamat is a sub ally. The eternally youthful alchemist seizes the tides that flow in the abyss and incorporates their waters into a new improvement for her body. Bonus潘めぐみ. Ultimate Bahamut, with Virtuous Verse) Party Switch command in Tower of Babyl; When a Full Elixir or Revival Potion is used; When a switch occurs, it will always pick the character in the. 5★ Date. wiki Main page. A character's lore, appearance, and other factors do not affect this attribute. The sweets crafted by her beloved were far too powerful; thus she sought out a comrade in arms. Support skills that activate when a sub ally character becomes a main ally take effect when the character switches in to fight in battle. [When an ally did not attack] Gain 1 Black Dragon Talon and Black Dragon Scale stacks (Max: 10) at the end of the turn. Charge Attack. They will be added back when the Transcendence uncaps have been fully implemented. This character gains 20% more ATK from weapons of this type in your grid. Guaranteed TA Guaranteed triple attack regardless of Triple Attack Lowered debuffs and 30% Bonus Wind DMG Deals bonus wind DMG for one-foe one-ally attacks Strength: 30% whenever Vane has Counter Dodge/Tank-and-Counter Counters upon dodging one-ally attacks or. (Takes effect even when Halluel and Malluel is a sub ally. ), Kozeki Ui (Swimsuit ver. ) Dodge-and-Counter Dodge and counter one-ally attacks Counter attacks grant 5% charge bar per hit. gbf-wiki (Japanese wiki) Gamewith Kamigame: This young man was sought after by a fickle spirit, on which he placed a curse without hesitation. Tier list remarks and bullet points on gbf. 2: Role. All Wind allies gain Noble Order ATK is boosted / DEF is boosted / Debuff resistance is boosted (Can't be removed). The noble Lord of Frost holds aloft his banner to lead his country. 107 votes, 50 comments. gbf-wiki. Custos Citrullus: Earth: 40% boost to Earth Elemental attack, -5%. gbf-wiki (JP) Gamewith. Targeted Dark ally gains 50% Sharp ATK Up (1 time) ATK is sharply boosted Strength: 50% Multiplier: Assassin Duration: 1 turn . 5 turns Local status effect Applied during the attack phase. Helpful topics to discussgbf-wiki (Japanese wiki) Gamewith Kamigame: Having sworn to uphold justice by righting the wrongs in her life, this indignant empress treads through seas of blood and mountains of corpses to reclaim her place on the throne. Certain Skills: Skills that can target a sub ally in standard battles cannot be used to. Supplement damage based on 1% of the foe's max HP (Damage cap: 15,000 per hit). ) Prescription for a Vacation : Lvl 1. Unite and Fight, also known as Guild Wars (GW) in the English-speaking community, is the only competitive event in the game. The duration of most status effects is either expressed in battle turns or real-time seconds. 70. Characters will have filled charge bars by the time. ) Makeup on Fleek : 4 turns : 3 turns : Lvl 45: Grant an ally 30% ATK Up ATK is boosted A random Wind ally can floof Ewiyar and gain Hype ATK is boosted Duration: 3 turns. g. Cannot be reactivated. Normal attacks now hit all allies. Death Reversed MC can withstand lethal DMG a set number of times when Nier is a sub ally and MC is not almost knocked out (Leaves 1 HP / Can't be removed). Upon a Wind ally dodging: Restore their own HP (Healing cap: 800) and remove 1 debuff. My goal for 2020 in GBF: unlock NierWhen Sub Ally: Earth allies gain Skill DMG Cap Boosted (Stackable / Old / Can’t be removed) (6% (30% Max)) upon casting a skill (Max: 5). Gain 10% Skill DMG Cap Up (Stackable / Max: 30%) Maximum amount of skill DMG that can be dealt per hit is boosted (Stackable)Summon Discussion: Belial. :. gbf. A character's lore, appearance, and other factors do not affect this attribute. This spirit cannot be seen by ordinary people, but Sarunan sees it everywhere he goes. specs based on number of Icy Blade Boost to ATK, charge. Watch him run his fingers down the supple stem of a flower, snap it in twain, and waltz across a stage garnished with skydwellers' viscera. Release Date. Tier list remarks and bullet points on gbf. Mosh fills 40% charge bar to all allies every time a foe uses a special attack. gbf. When this young girl sleeps, she dreams about romance—dreams that naturally end as soon as she opens her eyes. This cat-type robot from the 22nd century has been tasked with guiding Nobita through life. ,gbf-wiki (Japanese wiki) Gamewith Kamigame: A champion of great repute and wielder of immense, dragon-subjugating power. (Takes effect even when Tikoh is a sub ally. Kamigame. wiki Main page. Switch positions with a sub ally. 9T 9-turn cooldown upon call. 2021-12-08. Here are the possible ways to proc the effect (copy-pasted from Alanaan's wiki page but works the same for all Evokers): The following conditions will activate this support skill: When a main ally is knocked out due to damage, which causes Alanaan to switch inWhen Sub Ally: Extend durations of debuffs landed by Fire allies by 1 turn. This generally refers to 6-man raids and. MC fakes their death and switches positions with a sub ally. Underneath his compassionate tears and. Increases buff skill cooldowns by 3 turns for all allies. Weapon Skills are modifiers found on Rare and higher weapons. (Effect enhanced based on number of chains. ), Substitute Gain Substitute Receives foe attack in place of an ally (Excludes all-foe all-ally attacks) Duration: 1 turn . 辻あゆみ. Lover of freedom and all things cute, Chloe sets out on a journey to become strong enough to protect those important to her. )Verglas Sovereign: Unworldly boost to Water allies' ATK. This is how a fool is born. (Takes effect even when Arthur is a sub ally. Content is available under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike unless otherwise noted. ) Alabaster Edge : Lvl 1: Boost to ATK Perpetuity modifier and C. [Grieving Lovers] Nier How to Recruit Arcarum: The World Beyond A young woman who had her existence denied at every turn, thus leading to an overwhelming desire for love and. Character list | Extended Mastery | Gallery SSR Characters | SR Characters | R Characters | NPC CharactersGeneral Strategy. Maria can also be amazing as a sub ally since she turns any dispel into a nuke + stackable atk/def down. (Boost to healing specs takes effect even when Yggdrasil is a sub ally. GBF本质是页游(所以客户端很小),可能初入会懵逼,关键点在于,你可以把客户端理解为浏览器. wiki are not necessarily from Gamewith and are usually from wiki contributors. Contact Us. This is obviously inconsistent, and Timeout Watch Inflict Time Stop Can't attack Base Accuracy: 200% Duration: 1 turn Local status effect on all foes. 500) Duration: 5 turns on all allies. Other Sites. Frequency Jam All allies gain ~35% Dodge Rate Up Chance to dodge DMG and debuffs Strength: ~35% Duration: 2 turns and 40% / 40% Critical Hit Rate Up Attacks made with elemental superiority have a chance to deal boosted DMGWhen Yggdrasil is a main ally: Also amplifies Seraphic modifier other Earth allies' damage against Water foes by 20%. ) Extended Mastery Support Skill : EMP: Chance to gain Deluge Crest Water magic. ) Everyone's Shield : Lvl 1: When Switching to Main Ally: Activate Ritterseele. wiki are not necessarily from Gamewith and are usually from wiki contributors. Nier has incredible value to most Dark teams. gbf-wiki (Japanese wiki) Gamewith Kamigame: Hoping to follow in the footsteps of the high priest, this pilgrim travels from Astral Ruin to Astral Ruin. gbf-wiki (Japanese wiki). Crewmate Uncap Effect Usopp 3★ 400% Water damage to all foes. (Takes effect even when Macula Marius is a sub ally. (Boost to C. Duration: Indefinite grants the same possible buffs as Temperance Reversed When Sub Ally: All Wind allies gain a random buff upon Wind chain burst. If the skill says "Takes effect even when (character) is a sub ally" then it works both as a main. 5★ Date. Per Hit types—such as the Dodge Rate Up. 4★: All allies also gain 15% Bonus Water DMG Deals bonus water DMG for one-foe one-ally attacks Strength: 15% Duration: 3. Starting as a sub-ally is not a requirement for activating the skill and can be activated even if Geisenborger was moved into sub-ally position at later time. works on one-ally attacks, but not attacks that hit all allies. Combined with her defensive utilities, C. 4★ This is the call for the 4★ version of this summon. Nearly hidden by the swirling mists of her tiny island, Ferry offers up a lonely prayer. (Takes effect even when Charlotta is a sub ally. gbf-wiki (Japanese wiki) Gamewith Kamigame: When this young girl sleeps, she dreams about romance—dreams that naturally end as soon as she opens her eyes. (Can't recast. (Takes effect even when Percival is a sub ally. on one ally. This page was last edited on 26 August 2018, at 22:33. (Takes effect even when Florence is a sub ally. gbf. Primal Pal Getaway: Gain the following cumulative effects based on the number of Primal allies in both main and sub ally positions: 30% ATK Up (Perpetuity) 100% DEF Up. Auto-activates the skill Serpent Spike 5-hit, 100% Fire damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~120,000 per hit). 6%. Pages in category "Sub Ally Support Skills". The Hierophant Upright : Lvl 1: When Switching to Main Ally: Fire allies gain Blessed Radiance DEF is boosted / Damage dealt by one-foe attacks is partially absorbed to HP (Can't be removed) Voice Actor JP. Release Date. Overview. (Takes effect even when Gabriel is a sub ally. 20% Damage Cap Up. Only when you have mastered both long-range AND close-range combat as a sniper can you truly bask in the glory of victory. This young man was sought after by a fickle spirit, on which he placed a curse without hesitation. gbf. (Japanese wiki) Gamewith Kamigame. ,gbf-wiki (Japanese wiki) Gamewith Kamigame: A champion of great repute and wielder of immense, dragon-subjugating power. The debuff duration still counts down while Vikala is a sub ally. The following sections are general guidelines on how to interpret the tier list. Substitute (All. pretty sure i get some good mileage out of jeanne unless GBF really expects 5* for everything. (Japanese wiki) Gamewith Kamigame. GBF Guide – playable Selka when. The 3-turn cooldown will not count down if Silva is a sub ally. All allies - Lecia (Grand)Reading the tier list. Its level does not influence the aura. Its actual in-game name is "Immune. ) Extended Mastery. Kikuri (Proud+) Field of Mediation DMG is amplified based on number of main allies' elements Unofficial name Field effect: DMG is amplified based on number of main allies' elements. The sub ally that comes in will still come in with 1 Feedback, but then you're down to 1 sub ally with Feedback and Unleash the Fury will only add +1 to your total. Glimmering in his eyes is the image of a mighty state that rules the world. (Japanese wiki) Gamewith Kamigame. Dark allies who use HP-consuming skills with an increase to attack, defense, and Damage Cap, even when Fiorito is a sub-ally. After an incident at the beach, this extraordinary witch recalls a time she wished to forget. Katana-specialty sub allies count. Delighted by these sparkling tokens of their adoration and affection, his expression brims with confidence and pride. About. Yangtopia, it seems, is still a long ways away. For other Elements I assume The Devil, The Tower, Judgement and Sandalphon will be popular sub-aura slots choices. Gain Guts effect when an ally has 3 Feedback stacks. A random Wind ally can floof Ewiyar and gain Hype ATK is boosted Duration: 3 turns. (Japanese wiki) Gamewith Kamigame. The Hanged Man Reversed When Sub Ally: When all equipped weapons are different, 20% boost to Earth allies' ATK Multiplier: Perpetuity, 50% boost to DEF, and 10% boost to damage cap. (Japanese wiki) Gamewith Kamigame. ) When switching with an ally: Switched ally gains Surrogate Successor ATK is boosted / DEF is. wiki are not necessarily from Gamewith and are usually from wiki contributors. Last Hope : Lvl 120The 5-turn standby will not count if Jeanne is in sub ally slot. Peacemaker : Lvl 95: Amplify Seraphic modifier damage against Wind foes by 20%. Name. Cost to Host: 100 AP, Todestrieb ×3. : Exp. Medusa herself counts as a Primal ally in the party. All allies gain Water ATK Up upon chain burst activation. Yuka Inokuchi. gbf-wiki. Discovering the Past. (Japanese wiki) Gamewith Kamigame. , the Campaign-Exclusive Quest is known to have a cap of 30,000). She doesn't allow her sadness to surface, but deep down Lily harbors envy for the ephemeral flowers in. La Manteau Du Roi MC fakes their death and switches positions with a sub ally. ) . Mugen is a two phase fight that full heals and enters phase 2 at 70%. A. When Sub Ally: All Wind allies gain a random buff upon Wind chain burst. (Japanese wiki) Gamewith Kamigame. EMP Support Skillgbf-wiki (Japanese wiki) Gamewith Kamigame: This one-of-a-kind priest does good deeds in accordance with the doctrine, aspiring to one day achieve the church's greatest desire—the creation of a paradise. buff gained from character skills, charge attacks, and certain support skills—will roll for each hit dealt. wiki page. Morphe and Phoebe (Event) Mugen. Charge Attack. This page was last edited on 12 March 2023, at 08:38. Starting the battle in a sub ally position is not a requirement to activate this support skill. It is not a hard limit - damage values seem to fluctuate around the perceived cap rather than hitting a specific value ceiling, but they cannot significantly surpass it. Removes all debuffs on Ultimate Bahamut. Darkness personified—the dragon who takes on the title of Fediel the Black. Does not stack with Yatima Sub Aura Can call 2 summons per turn. On a perpetually white land, this young princess pledges to keep praying for peace so long as she lives. It can set its wielder's soul ablaze with fury and reduce all of creation to ash in a single swing. gbf-wiki. But her beauty also attracts unwanted suitors like moths to the flame, and so Anthuria flees across the skies. Remove 1 debuff from a Fire ally when that ally takes turn-based damage. gbf-wiki (Japanese wiki) Gamewith Kamigame: This cat-type robot from the 22nd century has been tasked with guiding Nobita through life. ) Water allies 2% ~ 10% - Indefinite Takes effect even when Macula Marius is a sub ally. g. ) Life with a Kitty : Lvl 1: 20% boost to Wind allies' dodge rate. EMP Support Skill: EMP Boost all allies' ATK and restore all allies' HP at turn start.